(720) 899-4770

6081 S Quebec St #100, Centennial, CO 80111

We understand that mood is a complex thing, and one type of treatment is often not enough to dispel severe depression and anxiety for good. While IV therapy is a treatment type we specialize in, it is not the only option we have available. We can also provide individual treatment plans for treating Psychological disorders..

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Treating Psychological Disorders, Video Transcript:

Dr. Ballen, Founder of CRIC and Ballen Medical:

Hello, I’m Dr. Ballen and today I’d like to talk to you about psychological disorders and the treatment available at the Colorado Recovery Infusion Center.

We treat all psychological disorders including depression and anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), OCD and ADHD among others. We offer group and individual therapy including cognitive behavioral therapy also is known as CBT and trauma therapy as well.

We will provide a complete evaluation and treatment plan including an individualized therapy program, as well as, our holistic amino acid and vitamin therapy and medication when needed.

Our therapy program is different in that we have a holistic approach, not just treating the problem you present to us but also looking for other potential causes of your suffering. In therapy, often the biological component is overlooked. We find that neurotransmitter imbalances can often cause symptoms or be the result of psychological stress.

In addition to therapy, our hallmark amino acid and vitamin program often administered intravenously can restore neurotransmitters and bring relief and hope often in a matter of days.

For more information on Treating Psychological Disorders and to learn how we can help, please call us or visit our website.